Sep, 13, 2017
Presentation to full ASCA membership regarding selection of WinnDevelopment as designated developer for the redevelopment of Mary Ellen McCormack.
Oct, 24, 2017
Leaders of the Boston Housing Authority and members of WinnCompanies development team held a 90-minute meeting with more than 200 residents at St. Monica's Church to offer and overview of the project and to answer resident questions.
Nov, 06, 2017
Boston Housing Authority leaders and members of the WinnCompanies development team met with the Savin Hill Civic Association board and neighbors to provide an overview of the project and answer questions.
Feb, 16, 2018
Discuss and update the preliminary development plan in partnership with South Boston en Accion, a local non-profit with strong connections with existing residents and the broader neighborhood. Focused on connecting with Spanish-speaking residents.
Mar, 20, 2018
Members of the Mary Ellen McCormack Development Team were introduced to the McCormack Civic Association. The team discussed the need for MEM to be redeveloped, the Boston Housing Authority’s Request for Proposal process, and selection and developer designation by the BHA and Resident Selection Committee. Details concerning WinnCompanies’ proposed redevelopment and “People Plan” were shared with the group. The team stressed that the planning process is ongoing and details are subject to change. A Master Plan for the site is being developed based on input from Mary Ellen McCormack residents residents, and will be discussed with residents at a series of open houses this spring. Once a plan is settled on, the WinnCompanies team will meet again with neighborhood civic organizations for continued input and discussion before formally filing a Letter of Intent and Expanded Project Notification Form with City and State agencies. The Development Team previously met with the Andrews Square Civic Association and Savin Hill Civic Association and will continue to do so ensuring the planning process is inclusive of the major community stakeholders.
Apr, 10, 2018
Discuss and update the preliminary development plan in partnership with the Mary Ellen McCormack task force and the broader resident community.
May, 09, 2018
Presentation to full ASCA membership regarding progress related to proposed redevelopment plan for Mary Ellen McCormack.
Jun, 19, 2018
Discuss and update the preliminary development plan in partnership with South Boston en Accion Executive Committee.
Jun, 27, 2018
Discuss and update the preliminary development plan in partnership with the Mary Ellen McCormack task force and the broader resident community. Solicit input from residents on features most important to them in the redevelopment. Identify preferences in design, amenities, programs, and services.
Jul, 10, 2018
Development team was invited to present to the South Boston Association of Non-Profits to provide an overview of the project, solicit input/feedback, and answer questions.
Sep, 13, 2018
Open house for residents with 30+ non-profit partners. Discuss preliminary resident services and programming plan in partnership with the Mary Ellen McCormack task force and the broader resident community. Solicit input from residents on programs most important. Connect residents to service providers to better meet their needs.
Mar, 29, 2019
Discuss and update the preliminary development plan in partnership with South Boston en Accion, a local non-profit with strong connections with existing residents and the broader neighborhood. Focused on connecting with Spanish-speaking residents.
Jun, 12, 2019
Boston Housing Authority, MEM Tenant Task Force and WinnCompanies update Mary Ellen McCormack residents on the proposed Master Planning, Phase 1 and upcoming timeline related to the redevelopment.
Jul, 24, 2019
Presentation to ASCA Executive Committee regarding proposed redevelopment of Mary Ellen McCormack. Valuable feedback provided by ASCA, changes made to proposed plan.
Tuesdays - 12:00 PM-6:00 PM, Thursdays 8:00 AM-2:00 PM
Members of the WinnCompanies development team will be available to answer your questions in-person at the Mary Ellen McCormack Tenant Task Force building.
Sep, 10, 2019
Presentation to McCormack Civic Association Executive Committee regarding proposed redevelopment of Mary Ellen McCormack. Valuable feedback provided by Executive Committee, changes made to proposed plan.
Sep, 10, 2019
Presentation to Savin Hill Civic Association Executive Committee regarding proposed redevelopment of Mary Ellen McCormack. Valuable feedback provided by Executive Committee, changes made to proposed plan.
Sep, 16, 2019
Briefing on proposed redevelopment made to Executive Committee.
Apr, 01, 2021
Presentation to ASCA Executive Committee regarding proposed redevelopment of Mary Ellen McCormack prior to filing Letter of Intent and Project Notification form with BPDA.
Apr, 06, 2021
Presentation to McCormack Civic Association Executive Committee regarding proposed redevelopment of Mary Ellen McCormack prior to filing Letter of Intent and Project Notification form with BPDA.
Apr, 13, 2021
Presentation to Savin Hill Civic Association Planning Committee regarding proposed redevelopment of Mary Ellen McCormack prior to filing Letter of Intent and Project Notification form with BPDA.
Jul, 13, 2021
Presentation to residents regarding Demolition and Disposition Application by the Boston Housing Authority to HUD and ongoing Federal approvals processes and resident opportunity for comment.
Aug, 13, 2021
Discuss the proposed development plan related to the Phase 1 Project Notification Form submission to the BPDA. Shared proposed renderings of select buildings in Phase 1, collected feedback regarding site, building and unit amenities. Produced a coloring book for children. Also hosted an open house for residents with 30+ non-profit partners. Discuss preliminary resident services and programming plan in partnership with the Mary Ellen McCormack task force and the broader resident community. Solicit input from residents on programs most important. Connect residents to service providers to better meet their needs.
Nov, 16, 2021
Presentation to Impact Advisory Group (IAG) on the proposed Phase 1 redevelopment of Mary Ellen McCormack. Solicited comments, feedback, and questions with the IAG. The IAG is made up of 15 individuals consisting of active neighborhood residents, business representatives, and members of social service and community organizations. The purpose of the IAG is to convey local concerns, needs and opportunities to project components in order to minimize negative impacts and maximize positive impacts of the project. IAGs are an overlay to the existing Article 80 process, they do not replace the role of the greater community in the development review process. IAG members were nominated by elected officials and appointed and approved by the Mayor of Boston. The meeting consisted of opening remarks, a presentation, Q&A with IAG members, and then comments/ questions from members of the public.
Dec, 07, 2021
Dec, 09, 2021
Presentation to the public on the proposed Phase 1 redevelopment of Mary Ellen McCormack. Solicited comments, feedback, and questions with the public. The meeting consisted of opening remarks, a presentation, and Q&A with members of the public.
Winter 2025
Construction begins on Building A, the first project in Phase 1 of the Mary Ellen McCormack redevelopment.